Sammy Slabbincks work 

I am currently being very inspired by Djuno Tomsni and Sammy slabbinck as they both take a personal approach to surrealism and collage, I am experimenting with collage by finding vintage images from pinterest and google from action shots taken in the 1960's. This era stood out to me massively because most of the images were taken in black and white with a 'Beirette' or a 'Werra 1' camera, The images did not have the technology we have today so i think it is a great technique to add to my work.

I am currently using space as the background as i like the idea of the unknown relating to the unknown of afterlife, I believe that this is a powerful way to undermine what life could be like on a different planet, whilst making a surrealistic approach as I am able to distort the collage differently to create the effect of making the viewer create a story from it.
From previously looking at Sammy Slabbincks work I want to co operate the use of collage involved within his pieces into my own research, His creativity within the ideology of humour added to the surrealism of vintage brings a sense of the past, almost as if we are looking back into what they thought life would be like in the future.
Djunos work 
Whilst on pinterst I have found another artist called Djuno Tomsni who involves both collage and surrealism from a similar perspective to Sammy Slabbinck, His work enhances the outlook of afterlife but his work is not personally based on afterlife, this is from my perspective by looking at his work.Djuno Tomsni is an artist who bases his work around the movement of abstract and surrealist collage, although his work varies he is a talented individual who includes mixed media and paintings as part of his fantasy, story-like pieces.
Linking to the fantasy like pieces he creates, Djuno cuts out and paints images of  places out of the earth, for example, In the middle of space or an ideology of what he thinks another unknown planet looks like; I seen on pinterest that his work links to Sammy Slabbnick by the use of space collage that he includes whilst cutting out similar vintage parets of photos of both people and a setting. I like the chaoticness from the effects that are taken as part of Djunos work as although he controls what he includes within his pieces, the settings can be very random yet very unique within the context of colour and distortion.

Djunos work using collage
Reading back to my genre study where I included artist analysis, I have began to think back to why I chose those artists and how I am able to link them in to my current exploration, when I researched an artist called Sylvaine Margaine who photographs old, abandoned buildings, I thought about when I wanted to link death of a human to a place that has been unused for its original purposes. The effect it had to think about the death of a human gave me the same feeling of a building or area being unused unlike how it used to be in the past,
For example, millions of people used to live in housings in Chernobyl until a natural disaster occurred and left the town untouched, The feeling it gives me is almost as similar to remembering the death of someone close or somebody who made an impact on my life.
Djunos work
What I am trying to express is that I am going to begin to photograph places near me which have been abandoned or untouched, I will then begin to photograph the town of where I live, but in a different environment (In the early hours of the morning) to see if the emptiness has an effect on what I imagine it to be like in the future. I also want to then Photoshop and distort the colour of the image I have taken to create the effect I want which is vintage themed, With Photoshop I would like to tone the colours to make them black and white (greyscale).

