There is a crater on the moon named after Apollo due to his twin sister Artemis being a moon godess
The Acidalia Planitia region, Mars. Image via HiRISE.The purpose of looking at the images that have been photographed of the planets surface is so that I am able to gain an understanding of the depth, shape, colour and the type of materials I could use to re create what I see. Some appear to look like they have been photo shopped whereas others look like they have actually been taken from real action shots.
I was inspired to develop creating texture to collages from a planets surface because I was focusing on adding surreal, out of space backgrounds to the collages, and so by adding texture to the composition it can give the sense of actually knowing the setting of where I want my pieces to look like they are based.

Crater and Basaltic Rock on Mars

High-Resolution Stereo Camera nadir and colour channel data taken during orbit 11467 on 4 January 2013 by ESA’s Mars Express have been combined to produce this colour view of two craters, both roughly 50 km in diameter. The data were acquired in the Thaumasia Planum region just south of Vallis Marineris at approximately 17°S / 296°E. The northern crater is named Arima, while the southern is unnamed. http://esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Mars_Express/Explosive_crater_twins_on_Mars

May 7, 2013

Universo Mágico: El destino del Ares 3 en Marte

Toro Crater, Mars - The different colors reflect different mineral composition on the Martian surface.   (Taken 12/1/11 by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter).

South pole of Mars as seen from ESA's Mars Express.

HiRISE photos of Mars - Business Insider

The surface of the moon is a uneven and interesting texture. Think of ways to recreate this?

Mercury's Lennon crater, recently named for Beatle John Lennon, as seen from NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft.

Lunar Craters
